Green Living 101: Ways to Cut on Waste in Your Home

Green Living 101: Ways to Cut on Waste in Your Home

“If it cannot be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.”-Peter Seeger

Today, eco and sustainable living has been making waves. As it gets more and more exposure, it seems that quite a lot of individuals have been advocating the same waste-free sentiment. From using metal straws (or ditching them altogether) to learning how to make a compost pit, there is a myriad of ways where you can start getting on the movement.

However, bear in mind that sustainable living is more than just a social media trend, it is a way of life—a conscious choice you make every single day to ensure that the planet we are living in today does not suffer more than it already does. This means that once you make this choice, you have to stand by it every day and not only when it is convenient for you to do so. In the end, you would get that rewarding feeling for having contributed to a concerted effort that ultimately resulted to a better ecological environment for the future. You alone have the choice whether to take on this movement or not. Remember, eco-living is not only for the benefit our planet, but for the future generation as well. In fact, electing to live a waste-free lifestyle is possibly the most unselfish and beautiful gift you can ever give them.

You can start small and start in your own homes. Whether you are living in a diminutive space such as a bgc condo unit or an expansive one, going green can greatly benefit everyone of us. Here are some of the ways you can start:

Orient yourself with recycling

More often than not, individuals who are looking to live a waste-free lifestyle would be daunted by the prospect of having to learn the different complex symbols and sorting rules. However, this should not deter you from your endeavor as learning the recycling system is not all too hard at all. If you do a little research beforehand, you would find that it is actually quite easy to do. Just be sure to conform to the specific rules of your area.

Ditch the plastic bags

Think you cannot survive a life without plastic bags? Well, think again. Ditching plastic bags is actually one of the easiest practices in sustainable-living that you can do. All you would need to do is to use reusable bags and containers while you are shopping. Pack up your items with your own cloth ones and bring them home.

Rely on reusable containers

Much like you are using reusable bags for grocery shopping, you should also begin using reusable containers in shopping for things at the farmer’s market. An average container alone can already fit at least six pieces of eggs which would effectively dispense the need for an egg tray. Furthermore, these same containers would allow you to store your food properly and even extend its shelf life—making it fresh as long as possible.

Learn to repair in lieu of discarding and replacing

Once we see items no longer working the way they used to, we often get rid of them. More often than not, we give repairing it a try but would give up the moment our first few attempts do not work. However, it is best to have them repaired rather than buying a new one. Not only would this more cost-effective, but it is actually better for the planet. Furthermore, if something breaks down, try to think of a way to use it instead of dumping it right away.

Stop buying plastic water bottles

Water bottles and paper coffee cups are some of the biggest sources of waste material in the planet. In lieu of ordering bottled water in restaurants, opt to bring your own water bottle instead and ask for filtered water. Similarly, use your coffee tumbler or thermos or coffee cup instead of having the coffee shop provide you with a cup.
