Gender Roles and Expectations: Know the Stereotypes of Society’s Norms

Gender Roles and Expectations: Know the Stereotypes of Society’s Norms

Gender roles and expectations have been ruling in society for centuries. Society determines how a person should behave, dress and interact depending on gender. These stereotypical ideas put people under immense pressure.

As a result, there are social differences among people. Some narrow and rigid ideas don’t let women grow personally and socially.

In this article, the discussion is about the origins of gender roles, their impact, and why you should break free from them.

 Origins of gender roles

Gender roles are associated with human history and culture. For centuries, societies have assigned specific roles to men and women. This is mainly based on their physical abilities and strength.

The society encouraged women to be caretakers and homemakers, while men should be leaders and providers. Just because women have reproductive abilities, they can’t go out to work. Throughout the ages, society has passed down these narrow ideas through religion, education, and media.

Religion has also played a vital role in establishing gender roles.

Many religious books and guidelines have detailed instructions on what to expect from both genders. There are instructions about how to behave, and how to assign certain roles to someone. For example, in many societies, people still see women as nurturing, and caregiving.

Gender roles evolution had a lot of inspiration from historical contexts as well. When it came to agriculture, men generally engaged in the production process. Women only contributed to childcare, home maintenance, or cooking.

Gender roles household chores were only limited to women. Domestic responsibilities were entirely on the females while men had no contribution to it.

Impact on men and women

Expectations determined by gender roles have a deep impact on people in society. Men who don’t want to bear the responsibilities of working throughout the day, have to deal with the rejection of society. That takes a toll on their mental health, eventually facing mental health issues.

Women, on the other hand, have to face problems when they decide to go out for a job. That’s because society expects them to care for men from the boundaries of their homes. Gender roles and mental health are related and both are crucial matters.

Moreover, these differences often create an unhealthy dynamic within relationships. Men don’t always want to be the ones in charge or control. Women as well don’t like it at all when society makes them suppress their talents.

This imbalance leads to a gender conflict which is not healthy at all for society. As a result, men and women lose interest or don’t communicate with each other. Genuine connection and mutual respect are at stake if this happens between two genders.

The relationship between gender roles and violence is complex. Men are strong and dominant while women are vulnerable and dependent on men. As a result domestic violence, sexual harassment, or mental abuse are quite common.

The importance of equality

Creating an ideal society where people of all genders can do whatever they want can be a reality. It has multiple benefits for the society itself and for people as well. Take a look at these reasons why you should value equality.

Human rights

Think about such a place where no one will judge you. In that case, you would be able to express your thoughts and feelings without hesitation. You are free to explore your passions and embark on a journey that feels right to you.

Human potential

When you are free from the judgements and fears of society, you can showcase your talents. In that case, it’s a society that is going to prosper where every single person can contribute to a cause.

Peace and stability

When there is equality, there is peace. Conflicts are the results of injustice and partiality. If you can solve these issues, societies can build a good foundation for stability.


When leaders and important individuals hear your opinion regardless of your gender, you can get creative. You can innovate new things or explore different perspectives. In a way, society can benefit from the products you can create.

Economic growth

Equality and economic growth are closely related. When both genders have good access to education, opportunities, and plenty of resources — good things happen. It makes you productive and enhances your potential as well.

This way, the economic condition of society will improve by reducing poverty.

Breaking free from gender roles

The journey toward breaking gender roles and social norms is not easy. It takes a lot of courage and determination to do that. However, in this progressing era, nothing is impossible for real.


The process starts with a realisation that society should not be the one to dictate you. You should be the one to decide what to do with your life. Only you should have a say on your worth and capabilities.

It’s important to have questions about the actions of your society. You must challenge the social norms that you knew as right, but actually all the way wrong.


Education plays a crucial role in breaking gender roles. Teaching the young ones about gender equality helps promote awareness. Schools need to help children understand the value of breaking the stereotype.

This way, future generations can encourage people to embrace their authentic selves. Apart from education, the media and entertainment industries should also step up to promote open-minded thoughts and ideas.


Additionally, regardless of your gender, you must have a keen interest in self-awareness. You have to embrace who you really are or who you want to be. Discovering your true identity is a liberating experience that allows you to live on your terms.  You will be able to build healthy relationships since you have mutual respect and equality.


Gender roles and expectations in society are like a long barrier to social progress. You as a person can create a more equal society by respecting your origin. It is a journey towards a brighter and better future.
