Free 6 Video Marketing Tips from Worldwide Creative Creators for You

Free 6 Video Marketing Tips from Worldwide Creative Creators for You

Branding and content curation are two parallel dimensions of online success. Do you agree? Video content is massively popular on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok. When you own a small-medium scale business, video making is a win. There are a number of studies which reveal an increasing focus on video marketing Tips during the past decade. As per research, 64%+ responded that video content is the most effective form of online marketing. More than half of respondents also agreed that ‘you’ must create video if you want to grow your business.

During last year (2021), 1+ million individuals learned how to make videos and used it to reach their audience/grow their business. Keep reading and find out top 6 ways to develop your video strategy.


1. Small business owners (70%+) post videos on Facebook/Instagram.

2. Individual/respondents (62%) make around 5+ videos/month.

3. Individuals around (76%) spend less than 20min and approximately (49%) spend less than 10 minutes.

4. Around (59%) of users combine their own photos/video with stock content.

5.  Unsplash and other free sources deliver (39%+) of stock content.

Pro Tips:

1. Programming Strategy: First things first, it is highly recommended to create a regular release schedule. Whether you post videos, photos, quotes, or memes, it is encouraged to build a proper schedule. This will help your viewers to watch a set of videos instead of sticking to just one of your videos. You can take a step further by scheduling time of release.

Youtube is emerging as a bigger social video platform around the world. Due to lockdown situations, there is an increase in the number of users watching videos. Since last year, social media trends have been revolving around videos. This year SMB’s (small business owners) are focusing on videos for their greater success. Around 77%+ marketers agree that video making is an essential aspect of online marketing.

2. Play It Nice: Creating video during uncertain times?

a. Make a video on “how-to”. For example, chefs from around the world have started making helpful cooking videos.

b. Once you have successfully made a schedule, it is now time to review it. You can even look back at past content. For example, video ads of luxury cruises, or promoting your next speaking event is a big ‘No’.

c. Avoid being a ‘Ghost’. Do not go dark, whether it’s on Zoom calls, Facebook Live, or creating video for your business.

d. Behind the scene, video, or your work from video can really help you to connect with your audience.

3. Engagement: Once you master video marketing technique, you can easily get more watch time. In other words, the amount of time that the viewer watches your video plays an essential role in Youtube Algorithm. Three features of amazing content:

a. Unique

b. Compelling

c. Entertaining

When you cover all three aspects of video content, add a bit of information and make it no longer than 3-4 minutes. But, why make a video that is so short? As per recent research, Google is the top company in the United State, followed by Youtube, Amazon, and Facebook.  Therefore, you cannot survive in marketing without creating videos.

Video making process still overwhelms individuals but nevertheless, videos continue to move upwards on trends.

4. Video Influence: Within 90 days, after Gillette launched its video ad “The Best Can Be”- Its impact has spiked on Google. It was at its highest since 2004.

5. Editing: Video making is compelling and interesting, but real magic happens when it comes to editing content. An effective editor will use programming, branding, and packaging techniques to maintain interest throughout video content. For small business owner’s is essential to know and understand correlation between search and video.

6. Video That Move Viewers: Lastly, some expertise lies in between making a brand video that can bring change and move viewers. Some tips for beginners: –

a. Make it about the audience.

b. Create it selfless.

c. Build a value-content.

d. Remember Empathy will win.

e. Have a ‘North Star’.

f. Aim for connection.

g. Find a vulnerability.

Wrapping Up

Content is king. Many people won’t make video content because of one reason or another. If you are beginning on your wonderful journey of video making, use aforementioned tips. Remember, the key is to make it happen and not go for perfection. 
