Things to know about Facebook Ads and Google Ads: Which Will Get You a Better Roi in 2022?

Things to know about Facebook Ads and Google Ads: Which Will Get You a Better Roi in 2022?

Hundreds of clients have asked us this question as digital marketing specialists. “So, which is better for my business: Google Ads or Facebook Ads?”

And practically every time, we get the same answer: it depends!

Both are excellent online advertising tactics, and depending on your organization, target audience, and objectives, one may be preferable to the other.

Let’s have a look at what we’ve got!!!

The Detailed Debate on Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads Debate

Small businesses often have a restricted marketing budget, which we understand. And determining where to invest their advertising expenditures might be difficult. Let alone fully comprehending the distinction between Google Ads and Facebook Ads. That is why we have decided to take it upon ourselves to resolve and clarify this debate once and for all. In the process, you’ll be able to assist other business owners in determining which marketing plan and investment yields the best results.

What are Google Ads, exactly?

Technology advancements have offered us, as marketers and even customers, more options than ever before something we could have dreamed of in our lives. As a result, how we search, provide, and receive information has altered. It has even altered the way people shop for and buy items nowadays. Google is one such internet corporation that has not only welcomed but also helped to promote change. Google, which was founded in 1998, is a search engine that is used by almost 70% of online users to search for anything and everything. Literally. Thousands of top results in a fraction of a second for items, tips, videos, local businesses, and much more. Google now processes over 40,000 search queries per second, over 3 billion every day, and slightly more than a trillion each year. And it has been growing steadily since the year 2000. Consider the impact of such a large audience on the advertising environment (and how it will continue to do so).

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, has grown to become one of the largest and most popular pay-per-click advertising platforms in the world. This means that advertisers only pay when a user clicks on their ad on this site. Similar strategies are used by other search engines for their PPC advertising platforms. However, because Google is so widely utilized by both consumers and businesses, the term “paid search” is most usually linked with Google Ads.

What Are Facebook Ads, And How Do You Use Them?

If Google Ads are commonly referred to as paid search, Facebook Ads are unquestionably referred to as paid social. Social networks have certainly risen as a result of changing consumer behaviors and patterns. allows customers to connect with their friends, express their concerns about their experiences, and engage with topics and businesses that they enjoy. We discussed why business owners should include Facebook advertising in their marketing efforts in a recent piece. We show how, with 2.27 billion monthly active users, Facebook has grown into a social superpower (and counting). Setting a good example for why advertisers and company owners use Facebook ads. With such impressive user data, it’s no surprise that Facebook Ads accounted for 25% of all online ad spend just last year. The fact that Facebook knows our social behavior is perhaps its largest edge over Google. We may not realize it, but we unintentionally share more information about ourselves on Facebook than we intend.

“Yes, Facebook Gathers A Lot Of Information. Perhaps More Than You Realize”

Facebook pages you like, newsfeed subjects you interact in, friends, your birth date, present location, 2019 vacation plans, and so forth. Consider the value that a data bank like this may provide to advertising trying to target individual users. And our emotions, our actions, and what we like have a significant influence on our purchasing decisions.

Wrapping Up

However, the larger topic of paid search vs. paid social certainly necessitates a great deal of testing with numerous variables. We also recognise that the solution is not always as straightforward as the one we presented today.

The decision is based on a number of factors, including your company’s goals, type of business, and target market. All play an equal importance in a campaign’s success and return on investment. The option may not always be obvious. However, we often advise business owners to look beyond ROI.

Also, even when comparing Google Ads vs Facebook Ads, consider analyzing campaigns based on the total value they offer to your company. Building brand awareness, reaching out to potential customers, and increasing leads, conversions, and purchases are all examples of value. To sum everything up, we’d want to leave you with the following thought: Google Ads will help you quickly find new clients while also providing an immediate return on your marketing spend. While Facebook Ads will aid in the discovery and exploration of new clients. And in the long term, this method gives you a superior ROI.
