List of Best Exercises for lower back pain relief

List of Best Exercises for lower back pain relief

Do you want to know how to relax lower back pain without taking medications?

Lower back pain is indeed getting more and more common these days. So many people are suffering from it, and it’s kind of holding them back from leading a normal life. But why is that?

Here is lower back pain explained for you.

Studies have also suggested that lower back pain birth control pills are related to each other. You are at risk of developing lower back pain if you take contraceptive pills for a long time.

Additionally, that lower back of yours bears so much starting from walking, running, lifting weights, and more. Especially when you have lower back pain for 3 months, you need to exercise daily to get some relief.

There are a lot of lower back pain treatment options out there. But you can simply do some exercises to get relief.

Here are some lower back pain management guidelines for you.

Cat/ Cow stretch

The cat/ cow stretch is one of the most common lower back pain relief stretches. It helps improve flexibility in the spine so that it can move easily. While it also stretches the muscles of the back and the abdomen, you can go for it.


  • Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Your back should be in a neutral position.
  • Now begin the cat pose by inhaling deeply and slowly round your back towards the ceiling.
  • Imagine pulling your belly button towards your spine and tucking your chin towards your chest. Move your head at the very last moment.
  • Now this is the cat pose which you must hold for a few seconds.
  • For the cow pose, as you exhale, lift your chest towards the ceiling arching your back in the opposite direction. Look upwards and allow your belly to sink towards the floor.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds and repeat the movement for a few rounds.

Child’s pose

Child’s pose is a relaxing lower back pain relief yoga pose that helps you stretch the back. It also provides a sense of calm and relaxation to your whole body.


  • Start by kneeling on the floor by bringing your toes together, and sit back on your heels.
  • Slowly bring your torso forward resting your forehead on the floor in front of you. Put a cushion or blanket under your forehead for more support.
  • Now extend your hands forward and rest them on the floor. Make sure that your palms are facing the floor as well
  • As you settle into the pose, focus on relaxing your body sinking deeper into the stretch.
  • Take slow but deep breaths making sure that your breath is reaching your back and ribcage. The more you exhale, the more relaxed you will feel.
  • Remain like this for a minute or so. You can do this exercise as long as you feel comfortable.

Bird-dog exercise

The bird dog exercise is a great option to stabilize your lower back pain treatment right side. It also eases your lower back pain if you do the exercise the right way. It is also among the effective lower back pain relief positions as well.


  • Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Extend your right arm straight in front of you while extending your left leg straight back
  • Make sure to square your hips and shoulders to the ground
  • Now hold this position for a few seconds maintaining balance and stability.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the pose on the opposite side extending your left arm and right leg
  • Continue changing sides and repeat the pose as long as want

Pelvic tilt

Pelvic tilt exercises are for you if you need to get relief from lower back pain. It helps strengthen the muscles and improve the stability of your spine. Also, this particular exercise is so simple that anyone can try it at least once.


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Keep your arms relaxed by your sides
  • Take a deep breath and as you exhale, gently flatten your lower back against the floor
  • Imagine that you are pushing your belly button towards the floor by tilting back your pelvis
  • Hold this position for a moment and then inhale to slowly release the tilt. It allows your lower back to return to its normal position
  • Repeat this exercise at least five times

Knee to chest stretch

Knee-to-chest stretch is another useful way for you to get rid of lower back pain. It’s a good lower back pain treatment in Hindi.

  • Start by lying on your back on the floor or a mat
  • Bend your knees keeping your feet flat on the surface
  • Place your hands on the back of one thigh just below the knee
  • Gently pull your knee toward your chest
  • Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and make sure to breathe
  • Slowly release the leg and go back to the starting position
  • Then repeat the same with the other leg
  • Perform 2 or 3 sets of the stretch on each leg

Piriformis muscle stretch

The Piriformis muscle is located on your hip area. If somehow this muscle gets affected, then you might feel discomfort in your lower back area.

  • Start by lying on your back and keep your feet on the floor or a mat
  • Bend your one knee lifting your one leg.
  • Put your hand on your thigh and gently pull your knee toward your chest
  • Hold the stretch for a minute or so
  • Then repeat the same with your other leg


Try different types of exercises to get the lower back pain best treatment. Find your lower back pain relief pressure points and start exercising to relax the muscles and spine. However, if the problems still don’t go away, you should consult with a doctor.
